Huddie said...
Hi. I have done the super strict candida diet/supplements. Personally, I couldn't handle Nystatin. I did coconut oil, molybenum, SF722 and Seroyal Forte probiotic.
You cannot heal candida in four weeks. I did it in 16-20 weeks without ever cheating. It was so hard. I never even had fruit. Candida is not only in gut - it travels and loves the sinus areas, the brain, etc... candida herxes can be worse than lyme herxes but you will feel so much better when it is out of your body. It does come back. I sense it creeping up and after the holidays will get super strict again. I did it two years ago for chronic sinus infections - never had one again after that.
I have taken progesterone for years and have read numerous books on HRTs and candida. I have never heard of the progesterone/candida connection. If you have a link can you share?
Ask any questions. Feel better.
Wow 4-5 months is a long time!
I'm on a super strict candida diet right now and I'm craving sugar/carbs non-stop. I can't imagine doing this for the next 5 months
Hopefully the hairy white mess on my tongue will continue to motivate me.