laineyk said...
Peteza, thank you for the links...I have taken the Horowitzs his was overwhelming the host of symptoms I have
So I already do Epsom salt baths but not everyday
will Google Dry brushing
I have ACV so guess I will add that and put lemon in my water (except I have migraines & citrus is a trigger)
other then that I can no afford to buy all those other herbs etc I read on
so I will try to see what I can do
I walk matter how woozy/dizzy I feel...always makes me feel worse but I do it anyways...3 miles outside when weather permits...30 minutes on treadmill
any other suggestions to detox that won't cost me $$$$
I have already spent so much with LLND..IGENEX etc.... On disability
I'm on disability as well, and got all the abx I could get, which as mono treatment was not thorough enough.
What I'm doing is ordering 2 herbs a month in tincture form, the smallest bottles available until I am on full doses and have the money to go from 2 ounce to 4 ounce.
Concentrate on one main issue at at time, along with maybe liver support. I am using Buhner's herbal protocol as a guide, but also integrating herbs suited to my own specific needs. I promise you that you can get by on less than $50 a month this way. If you start with low dosages and titrate up, 2 ounces will last a couple of months or so, so you're not replacing them every month, but adding new ones.
I think that's a good idea anyway, in case there's going to be a herx or other bad reaction, then you can figure out where it's coming from.
If you are overwhelmed by all the choices, write down your main symptoms and some here can help you with suggestions of what might help.