Hi Alex,
Welcome to our community! I'm so glad you found us.
As Julymorning said, there is a ton of information in our "New to Lyme?" thread that will likely be of benefit for you.
Julymorning gave you some good advice, and I'd like to add a few things as well.
How long have you been in treatment?
Have you been detoxing? And would you mind telling us what you are doing for detoxing? The reason I ask is that most of us don't detox as much as we really should, including me. We do like to know what our members are doing for detoxing, as we can often recommend a few things to add in if needed.
Are you having any other symptoms that have also recently increased?
While it does sound more like a serious anxiety/panic attack, if you suspect something like a heart attack, please do not delay getting yourself to either a nearby Emergency Room, or an Urgent Care Center right away.
To help you figure out if you should be going to an ER, I'm posting a link for symptoms:
www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/WarningSignsofaHeartAttack/Warning-Signs-of-a-Heart-Attack_UCM_002039_Article.jsp#.WGBx-lzIXIU And, as Julymorning said, you are not alone in this!! You now have a whole community to help you, to provide support where we can and to help you get through this!!