I was diagnosed with MS by one doc. I have the brain lesions, but it's not from Lyme.
Have you told this doc that in 2009 he told you that you didn't have MS? MS is a set of symptoms, so "Lyme induced MS" would be a 'real' condition, but it doesn't mean you need to do MS treatments, you still need to do Lyme treatments, since even he is saying it's "Lyme induced".
I think a lot of LLMD's are struggling to answer questions for their patients that there just isn't enough information on yet - or they are blind to for whatever reason.
There are tons of articles on Borrelia producing brain lesions. Here is a list from Google Scholar, which shows research studies:
/scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=Brain+lesions+in+Borrelia&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C4&as_sdtp= And there are many articles (too many to just list) written that can be found with just a Google search: