But what others are trying to explain about
the testing is that it's NOT a reliable means to measure a person's healing. Once a person has Lyme, they will always test positive if their immune function is good enough. The number of bands and the amount of reaction will change around as the disease progresses, until the person's immune function is so compromised that their immune function is simply too low to produce enough antibodies to get any positive bands.
Has her doctor gone to any ILADS conferences, or does he use the ILADS treatment guidelines?
www.ilads.org/lyme/treatment-guideline.php She can use Buhner's protocol - it's really quite effective for a lot of people. You can see the basics of his protocol on this site (NOT run by Buhner) :
buhnerhealinglyme.com/But, after taking a look at it, if you/she chooses to use it, I highly recommend buying his treatment books. They aren't expensive and have a ton more information on how to deal with symptoms.