yancync said...
He has Lyme, mycoplasma, bart and babesia. Babs and myco seem to be in remission as of a few weeks ago. Treating him now for bart, lyme and myco. What about your kids #2 and 3?
Honestly, I really don't know. I gave up lab testing on all of us for coinfections because it never seemed reliable and didn't give us answers. :( We've had a lot of muscle testing and FCT, and by those, we have all been diagnosed with everything under the sun at one point or another (and constantly changed over time).
I do believe Kid#1 had so many - lyme, bartonella, babesia, erchilosis, etc. I believe we treated him for all of those.
For Kid#2, I think babesia is a factor (NP and LLMD suspect such too). We reacted very negatively to Woodland Essence C.S.A. (herbals targeting babesia and then some)... so bad we had to discontinue.
For Kid#3, I honestly do not know. He is doing reasonable well, so it's hard to know what's going on inside since he doesn't have a lot of symptoms. He was positive for lyme though (all the kids were).
We are complicated and confusing!