bluelyme said...
Im a little over a year into therapy and am starting to take on a few projects (wedding )etc ...have you looked into bvt ? They saved my life i was making out my will last birthday and today am hosting a small party...
Bluelyme, is today your birthday??
If so, Happy Birthday!
Kristenbee I had to join the world of the self employed after I was infected. I had always been a highly motivated person and when I was first infected I found that I could control what I did and my days that way, and still get income in. I was fortunate enough at the time to be renting a small home from my Mother, so my overhead wasn't too high. It probably also helped that I was still in my early 30's. Keep in mind I was never treated for Lyme.
I would periodically go into remission for a year or two, and then relapse. 7 years into the infection I managed to
open a small retail store. I also picked up a pt time job with it, and then started to relapse again.
That time I got tested for Lyme, but was told it was a false positive.
I've had a series of remissions and relapses-and the times I could work for myself and times I couldn't.
As I've gotten older, and had things done like surgeries, I can't work any more at all, and probably won't again.