bluelyme said...
Elle said her lyme arthritis in her hands went away and she never once stung her arms or hands...
it is thought to be lipophilic, systemic for 48hr and excreted mainly through the kidneys ...
My shin pain is down and i only sting up n down from it .
i had a bad burn a while back and i stung near it and infection subsided ,roceph and zith did not do it but oil of oregano and venom did ..
I have had some golf ball size reactions at first but now its raisens ...sometimes its a cherry but it goes down within a day ..vit c helps is thought to be small enough to get infection in the marrow which bart is known to do bloodwork will tell soon when if ever i get around to checking it
my shoulder blades and top is no prob but low back inflammation due to infection has me creeping and reducing in from hips ...
on skin stuff it has reduced my scars which all popped out after Bactrim. .like child hood acars that i thought were gone ..
This is… fascinating stuff, bluelyme. Your journey is really interesting - thanks so much for sharing.
I messaged you - definitely interested in the bvt for my hip pain. it is BACK. I'm SO MAD. I think part of it is misalignment and I'm going to start PT to see if I can get things to remember how to walk again. But I am really worried the biofilmbusting has released infection there and I am determined to end the IV abx in a couple of weeks. So, I need something lined up. I'm still on several antimicrobial herbs but obviously, they're not enough. Let us know how things progress w/ you.
LymePickle -
Under the feet? Well, that would be worse than the hands, I think… I agree about
Bart being the issue… or something Bart-like. I did a FryLabs test and it found something it couldn't identify but I'm VERY reactive to everything used to treat bart. The more it challenges me, the more determined I become to wipe. it. out. We will win this battle…