Georgia Hunter said...
Lithium orotate can help. Anything that increases norepinephrine may help. Headaches are also an effect when the nerves of the inner ear are inflamed. I'm not a fan of caffeinated beverages when someone has this condition. Oxidative stress is a major concern because over a period of years, the damage can lead to demyelination. I believe I've had demyelination over my years of being sick as I can't write in cursive without messing up the letters. I can write really slow like an old person and write fine, but it's a far cry from years ago.
i was a musician too.and while the physical is like georgia stated actually a nerve thing (possibly bart) as i remyleinate it gets better ..the radio began hard or crowded places ,i had to wear earplugs ...and i had thrown concerts for 15 yrs ?!
In my experience, i believe in frequency medice ,that like a wine glass or the bridge in physics class ,everything has a natural frequency at which it vibrates ...including the pathogens ..this is the theory and reasoning behind rife .
it could be that the bugs actually dont like that vibration.
For a while i became facinated with low frequency ocillation at extreme decibels. I think i was treating the lyme bart without knowing it ...
anyway this is a music proffesor from skidmore
/ its worth the 17 min watch he is using a plasma machine designed by james bare btw
all that said ..stop the pathogens ,then heal with iv mag ,lions mane ,high dose biotin ,lots of essential fatty acids like avacado ,codliver oil ,phosphtyadlcholine ,high dose royal jelly has acetycholine and ghee .absorption of fat with a working gall bladder helps too
Post Edited (bluelyme) : 4/30/2017 4:28:26 PM (GMT-6)