Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you for all of your posts, which I've found very helpful over the past few months. This is my first post. I hope it's not too much information!
SYMPTOMS: I've been experiencing Lyme-like symptoms for three and a half months. It began as lower back pain in late January. Since then, I have experienced various kinds of pain in many places of my body (aching, shooting, burning), as well as tingling (hands, face, tongue), twitching (lower extremities, left palm/pinky for a few days), minor heart palpitations (mainly at night), trouble staying asleep, and pink skin blotches that come and go, among other things, such as the appearance of a golf-ball-sized lipoma on my right shoulder, a smaller lipoma on my left pinky finger, a thyroid nodule, several weeks of unexplained swollen lymph nodes in my neck, and a white ulcer behind my bottom front teeth. Overall, my symptoms have been varying levels of distracting and distressing, but I have not experienced muscle weakness, fatigue, or any significant cognitive impairment. I am still able to work and exercise.
HISTORY: Chances of me having been bitten by a tick in the past year or two are next to nil, as I live in NYC and haven't been spending time in places where ticks live. Chances of me having been bitten by a tick as a kid are decent, as I grew up in Vermont and spent a lot of time romping in fields and forests. My rheumatologist said Lyme cannot be dormant and asymptomatic for years and then become symptomatic. I think he's underinformed. A lead Lyme researcher at the Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center I contacted via email asserted the opposite: it is possible for Lyme bacteria to lay dormant for decades and then begin causing symptoms. I believe this to be true. I'm not sure what could have caused the symptoms to begin when they did, but my immune system was put under some pressure that weekend by three vigorous workouts on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, drinking Saturday night, and only a few hours of sleep that night before a full day on Sunday of which included lots of walking and standing and being out and about
in the cold weather.
DIAGNOSIS: I have had extensive blood work done (hematological, rheumatological, full thyroid panel, flow cytometry), as well as MRIs of my lumbar and cervical spine and x-rays of my cervical spine, left shoulder, left rib (and spine), and lumbar spine. All of my tests have been normal or negative. Two visits to a physical therapist achieved nothing but confusion on the part of the nonetheless very good physical therapist. Five visits to a chiropractor, with massage included, achieved nothing but confusion on the part of the nonetheless very good chiropractor. My one attempt at acupuncture was distinctly unhelpful. I saw Dr. Qingcai Zhang of the Zhang Clinic on May 1. He is not sure I have Lyme. I saw a leading LLMD on May 5. He is not sure I have Lyme. I have had Western blots run in April by Lab Corp and in May by Stony Brook. Both turned up only one reactive band: 66, which is non-specific to Lyme.
TREATMENT: I began a 30-day course of doxycycline (100mg, 3x/day) on May 5. I am also taking Dr. Zhang's Artemesiae, Allicin, AI #3, and Circulation P. I am also taking daily supplements: a probiotic, a multivitamin, and fish oil. To help me sleep, I take a melatonin pill and liposomal melatonin.
FIRST QUESTION(S): The purpose of this post is to poll the community here on your experiences of cases in which someone became symptomatic after a long period of dormancy. Last night, I read this presentation -
https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/pdfs/PersistenceWebinarSlides.pdf - which states that “persistence is the norm in immunocompetent hosts” and that dormant bacteria are “more tolerant of microbiostatic antibiotics” like doxycycline. Based on this, I am concerned that, given my immunocompetency and the likelihood that, if this is Lyme, it has been dormant in me for decades, 30 days of doxycycline, even combined with Dr. Zhang's herbs, won't do much, if anything, to combat this thing. What is your understanding of the difference in outcomes and best treatment, if any, for people with long-dormant Lyme who begin treating it three months into symptoms, compared to people who just acquired Lyme a few months ago? (Should I be pushing for more aggressive treatment? Do I have a higher likelihood of chronic illness?)
SECOND QUESTION: My wife was reactive for band 41 IgM (as well as 58 and 66 IgM, which aren't technically part of the diagnosis criteria) on her Stony Brook Western blot. She is pregnant, and I was worried that I could have transmitted the bacteria to her, and our child could be in danger of getting congenital Lyme. She is asymptomatic. Should we be worried?
Thank you!
Post Edited (ohblymie) : 5/12/2017 2:18:48 PM (GMT-6)