Klagh said...
I have read ALL of Dr. Rawls' web site!
He is a GREAT INSPIRATION!! He completely defies traditional thinking on lyme treatment. AND, I considered using his program. BUT - I noticed ONE of the supplements in his program contains NIACIN, and I am horrendously allergic to niacin.
BUT, it's still a consideration. I COULD try just his supplement that combines all the herbs.
I did not use his program. However, I did use his herbal protocol in his book, which is pretty much the same as Buhners.
If you can soldier on with the epsom salt baths, more power to you. They made me sick to my stomach, dizzy and I could not soldier on. There were tooo many other alternatives, and I never soldier on. Soldiering on is not for me. I do not believe pain or discomfort is relative to healing. If it didn't feel good, taste good or seems helpful, I did not do it. Stubborn old woman here. LOL
Same holds true for my husband who is now treating. The least bit of an indication that it isn't right and we stop that herb for him. Too many alternatives and discomfort is not a sign that something is working in the herb world. Totally just my opinion.