Ok... I'm at bout 90% healed, and have been treating with ABX since March 2010. I switched LLMDs a year later to get more aggressive treatment for co-infections. I never had a positive Lyme, Babs or Bart test but have treated all three, plus for virals and parasites. I did have a SPECT that showed brain function loss associated with Lyme disease. My symptoms were both joint pain/stiffness and neuro. Joints resolved first, but I still have lingering neuro.
I started to introduce Buhner core herbs gradually in 2013 to present. I did reach 90% in 2015 and stopped ABX in March, only to relapse a few months later, and then restarted ABX.
Here's just the facts on all the ABX combos I've tried in reverse order. I'll refrain from listing all the supplements I take now or have tried in the past. I do list Crypto in with my ABX since that was Rx strength from compounding pharmacy.
7/24/17 – present: Tetra, Diflucan, Alinia 2 week on/3 week off pulse
7/1/17 – 7/9/17: Tetra 2 week pulse, ran out 7/9/17
6/14/17 – 6/30/17: Tetra, Alinia (ran-out) 2 week on/off pulse
5/27/17 – 6/13/17: Tetra, Diflucan, Alinia 2 week on/off pulse
5/1/17 – 5/26/17: Tetra, Diflucan, Alinia 2 week on/off pulse, continue Famvir full time
4/17/17 to 4/30/17: Ceftin and Bactrim full time after new bite, added Tetracyline, continued Famvir
11/24/16 to 4/16/17: Pulse Ceftin and Bactrim 2 weeks on/off. Added Famvir fulltime.
9/24/16 to 11/23/16: Pulse Ceftin and Bactrim 2 weeks on/off.
7/28/16 to 9/23/16: Pulse Ceftin, Bactrim, Diflucan 2 weeks on/off.
7/7/16 to 7/27/16: Pulse Ceftin and Bactrim 2 weeks on/off. No refills left for Alinia
5/9/16 to 7/6/16: Pulse Ceftin and Bactrim 2 weeks on/off, Alinia full time
2/29/16 to 5/7/16: Nystatin, Cipro, and Plaquenil full time; pulse Ceftin 2 weeks on/off
2/15/16 to 2/28/16: Crypto, Nystatin, Cipro, Tetracycline, Plaquenil full time, no pulse.
12/7/15 to 2/14/16: Crypto, Nystatin, Cipro, Tetracycline, Plaquenil. ABX pulsed 2 weeks on/off
11/26/15 to 12/6/15:Cryptolepis, Nystatin
9/23/15 to 11/25/15:Cryptolepis, Cipro, Tetracycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin (liquid)
7/31/15 to 9/17/15: Cryptolepis, Cipro, Minocycline
7/18/15 to 7/30/15: Cryptolepis, Cipro
5/21/15 to 7/17/15: Cryptolepis
4/16/15 to 5/15/15: Diflucan
3/19/15 to 4/15/15: Nystatin
2/1/15 to 3/18/15: Minocycline, Nystatin
12/17/14 to 2/1/15: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin
12/09/14 to 12/16/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin,
11/19/14 to 12/8/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin, Levaquin
11/12/14 to 11/18/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin, Minocycline
10/10/14 to 11/11/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin, Diflucan
9/8/14 to 10/9/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin
8/4/14 to 9/7/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin, Valtrex
7/8/14 to 8/3/14: Plaquenil, Nystatin, Valtrex
6/8/14 to 7/7/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin, Valtrex
4/19/14 to 6/7/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin
4/2/14 to 4/18/14: Doxycycline, Plaquenil, Nystatin
3/10/15 to 4/1/14: Coartem (last dose taken 3/26/14 am), Nystatin
2/6/14 to 3/6/14: Doxycycline, Plaquenil, Rifampin, Nystatin
11/23/13 to 2/5/14: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Rifampin, Nystatin
11/9/13 to 11/22/13: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Rifampin
10/30/13 to 11/4/13: Minocycline, Plaquenil, Parastroy,
10/20/13 to 10/29/13:Minocycline, Parastroy
10/11/13 to10/19/13: Diflucan, Parastroy
9/21/13 to 10/6/13: Coartem
8/16/13 to 9/20/13: Oral Minocycline, Bactrim DS, Alinia, Diflucan
5/23/13 to 8/15/13: Oral Minocycline, Bactrim DS, Tindamax, Alinia
4/1/13 to 5/22/13: Oral Minocycline, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
3/8/13 to 3/30/13: IV Doxycycline, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
2/5/13 to 3/7/13: Zithromax, IV Doxycycline, Mepron x2, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
1/21/13 to 2/5/13: Zithromax, IV Doxycycline, Actigall, Mepron x2, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
10/29/12 to 1/20/13: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2, Bactrim DS, Tindamax
9/12/12 to 10/29/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2, Bactrim DS
8/25/12 to 9/11/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2
6/30/12 to 8/24/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2, Diflucan
6/22/12 to 6/29/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron x2
4/19/12 to 6/21/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron, Bactrim DS
2/27/12 to 4/19/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk), Actigall, Mepron
2/21/12 to 2/26/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (2x/4 days/wk, 3 days off pulse), Actigall, Rifampin
1/17/12 to 2/20/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (1x/day), Actigall, Rifampin
12/19/11 to 1/16/12: Zithromax, IV Rocephin (1x/day), Actigall
10/11/11 to 12/9/11: Zithromax, Doxycycline, Rifampin (STOPPED all due to elevated ALT/AST)
9/18/11 to 10/11/11: Zithromax, Augmentin, Rifampin
8/24/11 to 9/17/11: Zithromax, Augmentin, Mepron
6/29/11 to 8/23/11: Zithromax, Suprax, Mepron
5/10/11 to 6/28/11: Zithromax, Omnicef, Mepron
3/31/11 to 5/9/11: Zithromax, Omnicef
3/25/11 to 3/30/11: Biaxin, Plaquenil
3/18/11 to 3/24/11: Biaxin, Plaquenil, Diflucan
3/8/11 to 3/17/11: Biaxin, Plaquenil
11/4/10 to 3/7/11: Tetracycline
3/11/10 to 11/3/10: Biaxin, Plaquenil
get use to taking pills... or you may end up on IV
Post Edited (tickbite666) : 7/26/2017 10:31:21 AM (GMT-6)