Oh Traci, he's certainly going to get you going on some supplements. I'm currently taking 52 pills a day including my ABX and probiotics (but also including 3 of my normal non-rx bedtime pills) and I agree with each one of those pills too. I do "whine" a bit about
getting tired of feeding all those pills to myself, but then I follow those whines by saying I know they are necessary and are helping.
I'm 4 months into my treatment of lyme, bart, myco, and EBV and have to say that in the past week, I'm feeling better than I have since coming down with this nightmare. I love these good days because they remind me that for every dip in my road, the top of the next peak is just around the corner! I read somewhere that the goal is for us to live in harmony with lyme. Once we get our bodies built back up after months/years of treatment, we know what we have to do to stay that way. Avoid stress, gluten and sugar at all costs, and keep following your LLMD's directions for while you are symptom free would be the main things I l can think of right now. My nightmare started with a botched cataract surgery last October, which triggered my first experience with lyme symptoms in addition to the eye problems associated with the surgery, (my eye doc has been fired BTW!!) to also discovering a heart blockage. I am so thankful for my LLMD!!