Hi kcsmith72 -
An extraordinary number of people treating Lyme are also dealing with yeast/fungal issues - possibly due to the abx load but also, many people in general are dealing w/ y/f overgrowth and it's a condition that can weaken your GI health, which in turn can weaken immune function (since 70% of the immune system IS your GI). And this can lead to being susceptible to tick-born infections and other problems.
However, most in the mainstream medical industry are clueless about
how to effectively diagnose/treat yeast/fungal overgrowth.
mpost suggests an interesting connection w/ benzos - that's certainly something to consider. Also, drugs simply disrupt the gut biome and/or cause diet changes and/or cause changes in gut mechanics - and this can cause the y/f pathogens to grow out of control.
ALSO... I'll suggest that many people go on meds for psychological/psychiatric issues, which sometimes actually originate in the GI due to bacterial imbalance or gut damage or infection or digestion problems. Science finally proved the gut-brain connection with blood vessels that link the two and toxins and problems in the gut CAN and DO affect the brain.
Here's another idea: You MIGHT have had GI issues causing the anxiety even before the benzos, and the benzos might have reduced the GI problems by some mechanism (not sure). And now that you're off them, GI problems are resuming. Just a thought.
I would implement a very strict no-sugar and no-simple carb diet ASAP. I would also start on an antifungal - Rx is probably best once you've already developed a problem. And also incorporate good detoxing and a reliable gut binder so that you can get the die off out of your system faster.
Here is info on y/f if you're interested:
Y/FO post in the "New to Lyme?" thread: