logmoss82 said...
I have asked a lot of people who have gotten to remission from Lyme "how did you know when you were better" and many describe it is a gradual process where symptoms slowly improved until one day they noticed the symptoms were gone. A lot of them describe it as a gut feeling where they just knew they were better. Only you know your health and how you felt before Lyme, and this is all you can really base it on
Thank you, everyone, for sharing in my joy (and for seeing me through some really dark times)! I've been wracking my brain, trying to find an answer to how this all happened, but logmoss seems to have the best explanation. It was definitely gradual; I felt for a long time that I was teetering between good health and complete relapse, that either one was just a step away.
While the break from abx was unexpected for me (and I almost expected to feel worse), it may have been part of my LLMD's master plan lol Sort of like taking the training wheels off of a bike. Luckily, I didn't fall (and hope not to)
I am still having some symptoms - brain fog, etc but I don't feel "sick" and cruddy all the time like I used to, and I think I can keep improving without abx. I'm keeping up my vitamins, supplements, detox, and adding in things one by one. Started sarsaparilla today. Fingers crossed...and I will definitely try to be more helpful on here!! xo