Jemyl said...
Two things
1. I just got back from the neurologist and while I already was sort of aware he informed me that my right side which is dominant is weaker than my left which means more test (yay) did anyone have this issue before they were diagnosed with Lyme? This is also the side that I had a facial twitch on so I'll be doing a Ct scan of the brain
2. As soon as I got back I received an email from my endocrinologist. I had done testing due to another issue which is "premature ovarian failure" which I've been aware of for sometime now (3 years and I'm only 21 yay) but they thought maybe it happened as a result of an autoimmune disease and it came back positive for thyroid antibodies but they say my thyroid is functioning normally (for now) and they'll test it again in a year. Did anyone else have this? Is there any other test I should be asking for?
Should I be keeping my symptoms on one thread I'm still new to this but thank you to everyone who has helped/answered my questions so far!
I would get hold of your thyroid test results. You need to see your TSH, FT3 and FT4 - many Dr.'s, including endocrinologists will only go by the TSH - which isn't accurate.
If the endo only tested your TSH, ask to have a FT3 and FT4 (F = Free)