IHL said...
What makes this so confusing is that we all have different pathogens, different HLAs, and differing levels of time infected. So it's not a one size fits all.
i think this study explains why this soup of pathogens exist. It's an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. What we have is an AIDS not caused by HIV and with milder outcomes. But with the same opportunistic overgrowth of pathogens.
After reading lots of papers and seeing what happens with sick lyme patients (that have little reaction when put on doxy) when they are given Dapsone - they herx like hell, i am concluding the amount of borrelia in these patients is very high, their immune suppression is high and that makes all the other germs chronic. There are many people with bartonella in the world, a study in italy showed 39% seropositivity for bartonella in cats. So almost half have it. Now if u get scratched by it, you have it too. So probably half of the population that has a pet has Bart. Yet you don't see them flocking the forum here on healingwell with lyme posts. Why ? Because Bart is opportunistic, and as long as u don't have an immune suppression going on, you are fine... Then if Borrelia comes, u're screwed.
But it is the lyme bacteria that poses the problem not bartonella, or candida. Candida is part of the normal human gut, u cannot get rid of it and you should not get rid of it because it's a symbiont. It makes u sick because your immune function is abnormally low because of Borrelia. It's Borrelia who is the great enemy, not these other creatures. They just take advantage of your state of immune suppression.
I'd say for many of these people sick, monotherapy would be enough, if it's able to clean borrelia bacteria completely sterilize the host. You should not need to treat bartonella, babesia or any other infection, your immune system will recover and take care of these. The reason LLMDs treat them all is they cannot get rid of borrelia in the first place, and they keep the other infections in check with antibiotics. Same as with AIDS, people are given antifungals and antibacterials because the immune system is compromised by a virus.
When a potent antipersister drug, maybe with fewer side effects than dapsone (which causes that really bad anemia) will emerge, all these people with chronic lyme will recover, probably they will have to take that drug for life, to prevent relapses. Just like in AIDS...
But it's a mistake to assume "oh my god i have so many infections nobody will EVER make me better." No , you have ONE infection, the others are just hanging around because it is present. Everybody has EBV, everybody has CMV, half of the population has Bartonella. Stop telling your doctors "doc i have 20 coinfections" he will think u are nuts, it's part of the reason our community is seen as half lunatic...