Hi nponeil77 welcome!
We do have members from Texas here on the forum.
I would not have a spinal tap if I were you. It's not necessary and it often does NOT detect Lyme in the sample it gets - when there IS lyme.
Not worth the risks...and possible pain that may result.
What lab was used for the blood test?
Call Igenex Lab in California, ask them to send you a test kit (free) and when you get it, take the lab req to a dr....any Dr. (including a Chiropractor..ND) for their signature.
Get the blood draw and ship to Igenex via Fedex.
The best test to get is the Lyme WB IgM and IgG for total of $210.
In three weeks when you get your results, you can post them here on this forum..Even if they're negative...there can be some lyme specific bands show up that indicate lyme and will back up a clinical diagnosis.
You're best to see a LLMD - not a neurologist. (unless he is Lyme Literate)
In addition to members recommendations, you can also contact ILADS for names:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/Also, you can email me and I will check my list of LLMD"s and send you names if I have some for your area.
You will need to enable your email option (through My Profile) for members to send you names.
We do encourage our new members to read through the information in the thread: "New to Lyme?..Start Here!" It's packed full of useful information.