Evanston1 said...
That's exciting to hear that she is better! I'm 99.99% going unless I have some sudden and miraculous response to the meds I'm taking. I'm not too confident that will happen so I've already started the process of securing a spot at the clinic for early december. I'm excited and hopeful!! But also terrified! I am SUCH a scaredy cat and I don't like being poked and prodded. But I will surrender it all during my time there as a solid attempt to get better and be back to the person I once was.
I'm so glad you'll keep us informed about
your progress. I really need to know for sure that the treatment works before I can decide to spend so much money. If it works, it will be a drop in the bucket compared to how much money I've spent and will continue to spend on treatments.
I'm with you about
being a scaredy cat, so if we're willing to go this far, we must be pretty desperate!
I never used to be afraid of needles until I got this stupid disease and needed constant blood tests.
Like you, I'm just really nervous about
the safety of this treatment. We need to be here for our kids! I wish you the very best of luck!