Hi Girlie, I am on similar protocol right now- doxy everyday, alinia and rifampin pulsing both on alternate day, the days i take rifampin, I don't take alinia, I was wondering did it work for you? I was planning to do both now everyday, I don't know If that would be too much. My main symptom is heart palps along with heavy beating all over body, and a feel like my veins mainly facial are expanding. I am also doing buhner.
Girlie said...
Sorry, Bluelyme - I meant to say I would be off the Alinia on my Rifampin and biaxin days.
I am pulsing my Bart protocol...and doing the Babs when I'm not taking the bart meds...right now it's Artemisinin.
i must have been having a bad brain day when I posted that...sorry for the confusion.
I haven't been able to get my hands on a Pharma for Babesia, and Alinia was the one I was thinking of trying.
Sorry you're suffering - pain is one of your symptoms? It is with me...it sure wears on me.