Facey said...
Yes it's just been three weeks. But my symptoms the weakness and muscle twitching frighten me. My western blot came back with all ten bands positive. Thank you for responding. Am seeing a new LLMD this week and just hope she doesn't find my symptoms odd. How long does it take to get well? Or is that a question that varies. I actually think this started with a terrible stomach bug and rib pain that lasted all summer. Now the weakness and twitching. Thanks again
Hi there and welcome. So sorry you're dealing with Lyme illness, and yes, it is scary when your body starts doing strange things it's never done before.
You mentioned symptoms started after a stomach bug. Not sure if you had a known tick bite or not, but many of us haven't. For some, symptoms of chronic Lyme begin after an acute illness (like an infection or stomach bug), after a vaccination, or after a particularly stressful event or period of time. Lyme and coinfections are opportunistic infections. When the immune system alters, the infections get the upper hand and immune dysregulation follows along with symptoms.
Rib pain, weakness, and twitching are all "normal" symptoms of Lyme/coinfections. Fear and anxiety are, too. Just want to make you aware of that. While having your body go haywire is enough in itself to cause fear and anxiety, the bacteria themselves can cause those symptoms b/c of their neurological and endocrinological effects.
If learning more about
the infections and what they do and how to counteract them seems helpful to you, then I would recommend getting Stephen Buhner's books on Lyme and coinfections and Dr William Rawls' book, Unlocking Lyme. I have found them to be very helpful on an ongoing basis.