sevenyearssick said...
Thank you all so much! I thought it was parasites, but I have done two "cleanses" with no results. One using pharmaceuticals and one herbal... nothing. Anyways, I'm thankful that more people are using Buhner's protocols, and we can share our experience. Does anyone know where the whole "use only one drop at first" thing came from? I have multiple books and that is not what my books say. My books say to start with a 1/4 teaspoon, and increase to a 1/2 teaspoon. I got a mildly rebuked for mentioning what I did, even though I did what the book told me to.
I've only been on the forum a few months, so I can't say as to the forum guidance on the doses. I can tell you from my personal experience on Buhner's herbs that I get strong reactions from just a few drops of tincture. I'm very thankful I'm one of those cautious people who read up and research everything before trying it. If I was one of those who just jump right in after hearing about
something one time, I cannot even imagine the pain I would have endured if I had tried to take ALL the herbs at Buhner's starting doses at once. Just thinking about
it makes me shudder. I'm sure I would have ended up dead or in the ER from a cytokine storm or liver/kidney failure. I'm 7.5 months into treatment and still on TINY doses of the killer herbs. I've had herxes all throughout treatment, even days after adding or increasing herbs.