Hoo boy.....yet more from me. In one sense, as you all know from experience, these can be kind of funny from a distance. But for the time they waste, and the frustration and havoc that they create.... even the minor ones are not good. Still OK to be able to laugh at yourself a little, I suppose, but man oh man, what could we accomplish if we didn't do this kind of stuff? Still, thanks for sharing! I guess we can all commiserate together
I was reconciling accounts today, and preparing to work on taxes (both personal and from my small business) - As others have shared, this is not a fun task with Lyme brain. Especially with very some strange things in how Paypal presents information in some places (e.g. two lines were literally not adding up, and it didn't show me that it was because some funds were delayed).
So my Lymie part comes in when I realized something I had done: when I made a 49.99 purchase via PP, I somehow thought that it paid with my PP balance (not what I wanted to do). So I started a transfer from my bank account to counteract that.
Finally, just tonight I realized that I *had* actually paid with the right account to begin with, and so I made that transfer for no reason....and also frustrated myself looking for the money for an hour or two today for no reason........... ugh!