I started getting lots of markings/rashes on my body after taking a "trial" dose of doxycycline back in November (long story). I now recognize them as what I believe to be various Bartonella rashes/markings.
I'm curious to know what others think. I'm posting a lot of images below.
I get lots of red marks on my skin that look like scratches but aren't, which fade and leave altered pigmentation in my skin. Sometimes they itch, and sometimes I'll feel a searing pain in my skin and then a red mark will appear, and sometimes I don't feel anything and it's just there.
VIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEDeeper marks like stretch marks that are red and sometimes purplish, and then turn white/silvery:
VIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGETiny red pinpricks; miscellaneous bruises that appear without trauma/injury:
VIEW IMAGEA spider web/chicken wire/blotchy pattern over my knees/thighs/sides of my forearms and upper arms (kind of hard to see in pics):
VIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEWeird "water spot" kind of splotches that are irregular and either circular or elongated;