astroman said...
Most hypothyroid people experience night sweats- until levels are improved. Many chronic infections can cause low thyroid.
Most low thyroid symptoms are also the same as lyme symptoms (the whole body), which is why everyone here should be tested per free T3, freeT4 and TSH (all three).
Astroman - I AM hypothyroid. Just a bit, but enough for the doc to put me on Armour Thyroid. I'm about
a week in to that, to.
Girlie & Walking - I will also probably retest for Babesia at Igenex, at some point, as the doc wants me to. I'm not in a rush however, because I'm pretty broke and I dislike putting drugs in my body in general, I probably won't be clamoring to treat for it unless I really need to. I've been feeling pretty good the last few weeks, even before I started my doxy back up.