BabsBunny said...
Georgia Hunter said...
How many calories are you eating on a daily basis? How much do you weigh? How tall are you? All are important when determining what is going on and why you are hungry.
I haven't counted calories in years. Just eat whole foods or processed snacks with simple ingredients. Meals generally include a meat, vegetables, some grain, and occassional piece of fruit, homemade GF bread, or rice cakes. Until recently I loved almond butter and nuts.
I'm 5'6" and just slightly overweight on the BMI (wretched thing), even though I've lost 30 pounds in the last 18 months and every time I scratch my back, my fingers slip in between my rib bones. I can see them, front and back. The weight is all in these American thighs.
The reason I suspect its fat, protein, or the low-histamine diet is because this came on quite suddenly along with a steep increase in neurological symptoms. The last Babs herx threw me into severe anxiety and depression, bradycardia, low body temp. At the same time I started a low-histamine diet, and in a few days noticed less acid reflux, and less itching. But getting itchy with coconut oil was a big blow. I didn't normally eat almond butter so much, but it was my last source of fat. I am tracking my diet with the Cara app, and it takes some time and adjusting to interpret but its pretty clear almonds, almond butter, and almond milk are all common on my worst days.
Now, that might be because when I feel bad, I freak out trying to remedy the situation - like increase my fat and protein intake to stop being hungry- or I'm too sick to cook so I have to go with my frozen leftovers and rely heavily on the pantry items - rice cake, almond butter, oatmeal. So whether almonds are the chicken or the egg, I don't know. Only an elimination diet can figure that out, and that's where I'm stuck now. Trying to maintain a healthy elimination diet without starving.
I do believe there's a hormonal element - if the anxiety, shaking, low HR, etc is a glutamate or ammonia overload, as seems to fit my symptoms, there's a chemical imbalance in my brain, and it would seem fitting that one of those chemicals is a hunger regulator. I've read that the babesia symptoms of air hunger and heart arrhythmia don't show up on the tests because its not a physical problem - it's a neurological/nervous system glitch that isn't communicating with your brain that there is sufficient oxygen, electricity, etc. That except in rare cases, it's just a
sensation. So is my brain not getting the signal that I'm full and well-nourished? Or am I actually malnourished?
Until I'm able to see my ND, I don't know, but the hunger is driving me crazy. I was hoping there was support for this situation and other MCAS sufferers, but I can't find anything. But if I ever figure it out, I"ll be sure to get the info out there for the future!
You sound like you are malnourished. I don't know what you need, but a quality multivitamin would be in the equation. I like All-in-One from You should take 3 per day.