Sheeks175 said...
Taytay459 said...
Yes, bullseye rash and positive in June. Docs seem to think it was a false positive since I am now testing negative.
Not sure where to find an LLMD willing to treat until symptom free. Its also quite unaffordable right now, since the couple I do know of will not accept insurance.
30 days is what the doctor started with...Not sure if he would have extended treatment since I stopped seeing him.
Second opinions were with an infectious disease specialist, a neurologist and a chronic pain specialist.
Just sort of feel at a loss...Its a confusing journey when so many doctors are saying one thing but you feel another way. And friends, family and work not understanding just adds to the stress.
Its like a fight to get people to believe you on top of a fight to get well again....So exhausting.
How did the doctor come to the conclusion that it was a false positive WHEN YOU HAD A BULLSEYE RASH??? A bullseye rash is Lyme Disease. Nothing else is left to say. You don't even need a blood test when you have a bullseye rash because it is so specific for lyme. Not to mention you had and still have lyme symptoms. It makes no logical sense to say that the blood test was false positive. I am sorry, but you have an active borrelia infection. Please seek out an LLMD as soon as possible regardless of if they accept insurance or not. This will cost you a fortune if you wait to see a specialist and you have the chance of becoming disabled in the future. Let us know if you would like a list of specialists near you.Ditto what he ^^^ said. A bullseye rash is DIAGNOSTIC = Lyme Disease.
Nothing else is needed.
Also, what he said about
seeing a LLMD even if they don't accept insurance. It could be WAY more expensive if you don't treat and the symptoms continue to addition to new ones.