Hi, everybody! It's been a while since I've been around.
My name is Amanda, and I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme almost three years ago. I've been much better; treatment included pulsing abx and a combo of Cowden and Zhang herbs. Also supplements, diet changes, etc.
Just three weeks ago, our cat scratched my right hand pretty badly. He's an outdoor cat, we let him roam around. The scratch itself healed quickly with no visual sign of infection, but around Thursday of last week I started noticing some symptoms I don't usually have when I get a flare-up:
1. Slightly swollen lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. They're a little tender to press on, but barely noticeable. It's less swollen than when you have the flu or something, but still there.
2. Chills and no fever. It's the weirdest thing. I'll feel feverish and have awful chills, but I'll take my temp and it's 98.6 or lower.
3. Body aches and pains. These are fairly common for me, but haven't had them in a while.
4. Lower back pain
5. Headaches. Again, not unusual for my long symptom list, but has not been a problem in a while.
I also got put on 10 days of Bactrim for an unrelated issue that I just finished 2 days ago. Wondering if that could have caused a herx, but not sure. I also just started taking 10mg of Lexapro daily for anxiety, but I'm not sure if that's related to the sudden onset of symptoms.
After calling my LLMD and telling him all of this, he recommended me going to my PCP and having them test for it. I have an appointment today, but wanted to weigh in with you all on whether or not this could be Bart. I previously tested negative for it, so I don't know what it's like to have it.
Also, if I test positive, is there a better chance that it'll be easier to treat since I know what I (most likely) got it from and when? I appreciate everyone's feedback. Thank you so much!!