There is a link to cheaper seller of the same for $79 instead of $110.
/ just ordered a box from that other seller. They have a decent satisfaction rating and this is what you can use to gauge if they sell good product. It looks legit. I think it is prescript
ion drug so I am surprised they are selling it on ebay but people are often ignorant about
the law.
There are 5 boxes left so if you act relatively soon you will be able to get some if you plan to.
MCP helped me greatly at 4g per day after 2 months, so I imagine this will help me take it to the next level. If you are constipated you must get the bowls moving before using this product
Use mobilization products when you use binders. A good comprehensive mobilization/detox resource was posted at HW in 2014 by LoveForLife. It is