Rikky1 said...
bartonella has caused my hair to gray much faster than it was. it also gave me a red rash right on and around the bridge of my nose. nasty stuff.
Funny you mentioned gray hair. I've had signs of bartonella since childhood and got my first gray hairs at 18. I pulled them out with tweezers for a long time until I realized I was gonna get a bald patch if I kept doing that. In my mid 20's I got highlights and then started dyeing my hair all over when the highlights couldn't cover it anymore. Finally, at age 45 after my full blown Lyme symptoms kicked in, I had a bad reaction to the dye and called it quits. I let my hair grow for about
4 months and then got all the dye cut out of it. I had no idea what it was going to look like. Thankfully, it's almost all whitish gray and looks nice. The older ladies at church oouh'd and aah'd over it, LOL!!!
I just wish more women my age would go natural, so I wouldn't be the only one.
My face doesn't look too bad though. It's funny how the older I get the prettier I think I look. When I see pictures of me when I was in my 20's I think, Wow! I can't believe how pretty I actually was. I certainly never thought I was pretty then. I felt plain and awkward. I guess self-acceptance has finally won over. If only girls had that kind of self-acceptance when they were young how much happier and more confident they would be.