WalkingbyFaith said...
Dahlias said...
I'm starting to question the idea of starting with doxy. If bart seems to be what's causing her symptoms, wouldn't it make sense to start with something that attacks that one?
I'm not sure how LLMDs treat - if they treat infections one by one or simultaneously. I know for Bart, they usually prescribe 3 abx. Whether any of the 3 also treat Lyme or babesia I do not know. I'm sure Girlie could tell you.
I'm treating with herbs using Buhner's protocols and I'm taking herbs to treat everything simultaneously with the emphasis on bartonella.I would say that many (most ?) LLMDs prescribe two abx for Bart. A Fluoroquinolone or rifampin/Rifabutin plus another one. Doxy alone isn't enough for Bart.
Some LLMDs don't prescribe the fluoro's - or if they do...its last resort.
Nah, they don't hit Babs - an Antimalarial/anti parasitic is needed: Mepron/Malarone are common meds - paired with an antibiotic.
Dr J clinic prescribes three abx to be taken but this is not daily dosing....and weeks off between cycles of abx.
From what I've seen..the J clinic hits babesia first (after a period of stabilization ) and then Bart.
Sometimes Bart and Babs together - if the patient is willing to take a Fluoroquinolone as it can be taken in same cycle as Mepron for Babs.
But rifampin and Mepron don't go together well.
But you already know this Dhalias.