So i posted a while ago, starting the lyme journey. Since then i finally had a test come back positive for lyme ( IGXSpot ). I had western blot and immunoblot come back from Igenix showing basically nothing.
My LLMD also believe i have mycoplasma and i tested positive for babesia. I wouldn't be surprised if i have Bart as well, i have lots of bart symptoms. Right now mainly treating the Mycoplasma, but from what i have seen those ABX should hit Bart and Lyme hard too.
I've been on abx for almost two months now and full ABX dosage for about
a month, and honestly i feel basically no difference besides digestive pain and bloating etc. It's always been a symptom, but it's a mess right now, back to as bad as it's ever been. It makes me think that this isn't working, that i'm just screwing up my gut flora while i slowly get worse.
Anyway, since Monday my twitching, cramping and weakness has ramped up. The twitching is scaring me again because of the uncontrollable "jerks", my hand, or leg or throat will move because of a quick muscle contraction and then it disappears. On it's own that is no big deal, but when mixed with twitching EVERYWHERE, all the time, and some weakness in my legs and arms it's hard to not worry about
the future.
I know it could be a lot worse, but i'm just struggling with the doubt and worry today