Hey... Thank you for responding. With all my heart. I started treatment in November 2017.
I followed a month of natural supplements, ALIVE, HEPATOPROTECT, VIT C AND D, SERRA.
Then Valtrex and Aciclovir for 1 month, because I had some viruses: Coksakie (sorry I do not know exactly how to write), rubella virus and the Zoster virus.
Then the antibiotic, every 28 days each of them.
During the tours I did 2 surgeries, appendicitis and ovarian cyst.
It took longer because the surgery.
I have also Bartonella forgot to say.
I live in Romania.
Here Lyme is treated for only 28 days and is no longer considered to be chronic since 2006.
My heart worries me because of the pain, the big pulse 160 in the morning, I take the beta blocker.
And the plethora of symptoms that are in thechest area, I feel my heart beating hard, pain, numbness, trembling.
I did not know the risks of drugs, my doctor said he would be fine does not give me too much information I think he does not want to scare me.
detoxification .. He said to drink lots of water, salt baths and walks.
I take q10 coenzyme and drink effervescent magnesium.
Hope to help in some way.