JigsawJane said...
Hi I'm new on the board. I wanted to say I have Atypical Hemifacial Spasms that started last year or so ago along with debilitating depression and anxiety , fatigue, pain, etc. Now I'm experiencing pain in all my muscles , joints , nerves etc. Headaches. Vertigo can be severe sometimes. The bones in my shins hurt like HADES sometimes. THE BONE not like shin splints. Hot or Cold , never just right body temp. I was diagnosed with Spondylolisthesis on my L4 vertebrae and Piriformis sydrome. I have heart racing and blood pressure issues which I now think after reading may be POTS. Basically , I scored 129 and then some on Dr. Horowitz MSIDS quiz online. I've been tested for the HemiFacial spasms with just an MRI. They said it's non-specific meaning they can't see a cause (I though I might have MS due to some other odd muscle spasms I have all over at times). I'm also sensitive to meds so when I tried the baclofen , I had the rarest reaction of vaginal bleeding ( after menopause for FIVE years ! ) the second day ! I stopped that pronto. I do take sertriline for depression and now diazapam for the anxiety and spasms and a low dose High Blood Pressure med. All bandaids for all the odd symptoms. I could take other things I've been prescribed but I really DON'T want to be a walking medicine cabinet ! It took me YEARS to be convinced to take what I am taking ! ( except the HBP meds that was a no brainer ) . So I was also told when I went to see a different neurologist on the Hemi Facial Spasms that he couldn't see anything on the previous MRI ( why not do a new one ? or other tests ? ) and that Botox was the answer. I'm sure Botox paid his way through HARVARD and that is why. I'm not going to do that. So after trying even in all my pain and exhaustion to find out WTH is wrong with me and multiple tests like thyroid ultrasound resulting in tiny nodules but nothing specific and thyroid blood test being normal , MRI of my heart because heart disease runs in my family , xrays and MRI's of my lower back and hip , oh and my forearm / elbow last year for severe pain that mysteriously showed up there ... I started looking into chronic lyme. It seems I fit the patterns on steroids !!!!!! But I had a regular Lyme blood panel done ( not through non insurance docs cuz I can NOT afford that nor any of all of the cures that everyone is saying they have to pay for out of pocket , including the testing and that is even MORE depressing ... sigh ) ; it came back with only the IGM23 band positive. The rest were normal. So given I'm in the traditional med system as the only option I HAVE monetarily, and even that is a stretch for copays and LYFT rides to and from the doctors , I'm told I don't have LYME as you have to have at least 2 or more show up, and so the struggle goes on. I really feel like giving up and just accepting all this horrid pain and life because I really CANNOT afford to go the only route there IS to getting help from like you said your "LLMD SUPERSTAR for NY " who I'd guess IS Dr. Horowitz who I wish with ALL MY MIGHT I could go see as I feel G-D says HE is the one who could help me. Anyway. I know this all sounds like VENTING because frankly it IS hahahah and I'm pretty sure my boyfriend who lives long distance is sick of hearing me moan and moan and MOOOOOAN about it all . The point of getting on here to say something was that YES I HAVE ATYPICAL HEMIFACIAL SPASMS too and it sucks.hahahah.
My doctor is a regular doctor and I'm treating my chronic lyme all on my own... You could look into Buhner's protocol and start adding some lyme killing herbs. You don't have to have an LLMD to be cured, although I'm sure it helps with questions and guidance but it's possible to trial and error on your own and ask questions here and make progress in the right direction.
The main herbs are Japanese knotweed, andrographis, and cat's claw. Some other herbs are used for co-infections like sida acuta, cryptolepis, and alchornea. Some people here also go about
changing their diets. They also usually add in detox regimens like epsom salt baths and saunas.
You could make a new post here just saying you're new and can't get an LLMD and asking for advice. There is a sticky at the top of the forum that says New to Lyme that you can read to help get an idea of how to start self care.