sebreg said...
I have to admit I lean towards K07's thinking on this one. Sure, it's not ideal to keep such information from one's doc, but like k07 mentions there are risks. And this is a great doc, it'd be a pity to lose any trust with them. I would just be crazy adamant about saying you are convinced you need to treat bart (and specify the best argument you can as to why you should). I mean, you are paying your doctor, it doesn't mean you call the shots but it is a partnership and you know your body best.
I'm sure that either way, you will make the best decision for your situation. Telling him might work out, personally I don't know the Dr so I have no clue how they'd respond. I do understand how it'd be frustrating to be stuck on another long cycle of babesia meds without directly tackling what I'm guessing you consider the more important infection at this point, bartonella.
Yah - I will most likely not tell him...instead I will tell him what symptoms had come back...and I am concerned that bart is going unchecked. (my feet hurt in the morning again....the twitching....and I think there's another one...can't remember at the moment)
I'm hoping for a hybrid protocol. I'm now on babesia: Mepron, Ceftin, Mino, Enula, Artemisinin two weeks on and two weeks off.
(For a few weeks, I did bart for two weeks, then babesia for only 1 week and then only 1 week off)
So, hoping he will at least have me do bartonella for one week, and babs for one or two weeks...