Val319 said...
Hi everyone, basic update, I’m going to be working on adding in Buhner herbs. Luckily I have a background in herbs so it’ll help. I’ll be finishing antibiotics in the next week and a half. Still doing research and such. The keurig harboring mold got tossed. Switching to a glass and stainless steel electric kettle and mainly tea. Could have been the mold but I’ll see later if my stomach can handle coffee. I was mainly getting hot water from it ok swamp water.
So to the question. Muscle knots. I have weird knots. Yes it’s been checked and brushed off by the dr as part of fibro. Can these be part of Lyme or a Coinfection? Many symptoms make me think I have Bart and just wondering if that’s part of it. I’m having a few more pronounced things since hitting this time of antibiotics. like oddly breaking out but I’m staying the course and supporting my body. I am losing weight since going keto (I don’t want to feed the Lyme)but lumps (in the muscles)are more pronounced with the skin break outs. I saw another post saying it’s Lyme and coinfections coming up to the surface. I just didn’t know if muscle knots were in the category of Bart or Lyme or another coinfection.
Appreciate all the help! I’m still here learning!
Is this a LLMD telling you it's Fibro?
Yes , Lyme and co's could be the cause of the muscle probs. But just treatment alone may not be enough - a good Physio can help greatly.
our member Astroman is knowledgeable with rehabbing the muscles - hopefully he will respond.