Girlie said...
astroman said...
Never in my younger days did I ever think I'd have to learn so much about health. My parents never knew much about health, thus listened to Drs. and usually it was to late for whatever issues they had. Now that I think about it, many of their health issues could have been noticed earlier.
The internet is huge in peoples health now. Some of the Drs who used to say "the computer is not your Dr" now goggle during appointments themselves. If it weren't for the internet, I cant imagine the shape id be in or even if I would still be alive.
YES, that generation - (parents) - just take everything the Dr. tells them and no questioning of why or what for.
My Dr. googles when I'm in her office, too....often it's drug interactions or side effects.
I doubt if I'd even know I have lyme disease had it not been for the internet..Everything said in both these posts resonates with me, too.
However, I must confess that I still have a great divide between what I know intellectually about
health and how I live. "Normal" people wouldn't be able to comprehend why I eat or don't eat certain things or why I avoid many consumer products, yet I am still nowhere near the folks at the other extreme. I contradict my own self many times in choices I make, especially food-wise.
I guess to be totally honest, I wish knowing so much health stuff wasn't necessary and that I could just enjoy all the things normal people do without suffering consequences.
I hear you, astroman, about
living simple. I long for that, too, and I am experiencing the reality of not being able to afford anything without help. No income in well over a year and savings almost gone. I haven't yet learned to live frugally partly due to cognitive impairment. The necessity will come very soon, though.