Hi all,
I'm in the UK, and the partner of somebody currently treating what we believe to be Babesiosis (weak positive on an Armin Elispot test (and negatives for Bart and Borrelia) and low CD57 levels). She's also been tested positive for high Ochratoxin A and some bacteria, namely, candida, strep and C diff. She's been suffering for around 8 years with symptoms and only recently have we got some sort of diagnosis. She's 26.
I've decided to post on here because I'm just feeling quite wary and nervous about
what she's been advised to treat it with. I'm all for natural first, but when it's something as serious as Lyme/co-infections, I just want to be sure we're doing the right thing.
For the Babesiosis, we are taking solely Byron White's A-BAB. Alongside this, she's also taking
- IMN-V-III for potential viral infections
- AlphaGuard
- Multi Messenger
- MicroMax by The Really Healthy Company for gut health
- Saccharomyces Boulardii for C diff
- Oil of oregano
- NeuroMag for brain function
- Ultra Binder for the OTA
She's being quite strict with her diet. She's intolerant to gluten, dairy and soy anyway; but is mostly avoiding sugar (no refined sugar, but eating fruit and occasional raw honey), avoiding nightshades, refined carbs and alcohol, but also things like dried fruit, coffee and chocolate because of the OTA. She's meanwhile detoxing heavily to keep things moving and herxes as painless as possible; via milk thistle, chlorella, the abovementioned Ultra Binder, lots of water, ACV & lemon juice, rebounding, epsom baths, body brushing, and we're actually trying a infrared sauna for the first time this weekend.
I would be very interested to know your thoughts. I just feel like we should be being prescribed anti-biotics - I'm feeling quite nervous that we haven't. I don't know how severe the above illnesses are for my wife. She's about
2 weeks into treatment at the moment and herxing quite badly (headaches, muscle ache, fatigue and nausea).
Thanks all,
Post Edited (ceebs13) : 9/7/2018 7:16:49 AM (GMT-6)