whitetail said...
yes heart starts beating fast, pounding, and sometimes slows to a flutter. normally is accompanied with dizziness and air hunger and body gets weak like its gonna shut down, muscles arms and legs go limp, but sometimes they all come separately...
Are the tops of your feet a reddish color?
My diagnosis of POTS was because when I stood up my heart rate went up. I can't remember if my blood pressure lowered...that can also happen.. The tops of my feet were a bit reddish.
The reason your heart rate goes up is because most of your blood stays in the lower body when you stand up. This makes the heart beat faster - to get blood to your brain.
Sometime blood pressure will drop at the same time.
POTS is diagnosed on symptoms that you can have:
- feel dizzy or faint
- Feel dizzy or faint
- Have blurry vision
- Feel nauseous or shaky
- Sweat a lot
-Have brain fog
BTW antibiotics are not a waste of time if you have chronic lyme.
I have had close to 40 symptoms...am down to about
8 now.
I also haven't treated mold or yeast. (I do take Diflucan 2 days per month though)
Antibiotics do get through the blood/brain barrier.
Did the Lyme Dr.'s not say your symptoms were from lyme and co-infections?
I'm surprised not one of the 4 LLMD's treated you with abx.
I'll search for some threads on Envita and Sponaugle. One of them had some bad reviews.