tickbite666 said...
If you are not making progress, I wouldn't stop ABX. Maybe you just need to tweek your current protocol, or change it up drastically and focus on another co-infection for awhile. What else are you taking with the Rifabutin? and are you still taking malarome? I either focused on Bart and Lyme, or Babs and Lyme at any given time. But I never tried to double up and hit Bart and Babs at the same time.
What he said. ^^^^^^
Change it up... but don’t stop.
The two main treatments for bart and Babesia (rifampin/Rifabutin and Mepron/malarone) - I’ve not taken them together.
Rifabutin is hitting my bart now after a long time on Rifampin.
Try Rifabutin?