Hi all - question for LDN users.
I started LDN in December at 0.5mg and increased slowly by 0.5mg every few weeks. I started feeling so much better and was able to leave my house for the first time in 3.5 years! In February and March I was leaving the house many times a week, holding conversations, and finally...walking!
Then....dum, dum, dum. Everything hit the fan a few weeks ago. I’m worse than I was a year ago, bedridden, can’t tolerate heat from sauna, sun, or bath (this is a new to me symptom), have horrible flu aches. My brain is worse. Everything is worse. I lowered my dose but it didn’t help. I skipped a day and it helped a little but it went right back to horrible a couple days later.
It’s been three weeks. I had some blood drawn — iron is unusually low, but I don’t think that’s related to LDN. Thyroid is ok. But I’m sleeping 20-ish hours a day which is also a new-to-me symptom.
I hate to go off of it completely! It helped so much! I haven’t heard many stories where is helped right away and then caused a giant setback (or herx?).
I’m aware of all the theories about
LDN helping the immune system finally bring stuff out of hiding....but I can’t hold on at this level. I had my chiropractor come to my house and she says I still muscle test for 3mg of LDN (and her muscle testing is legit...has been a godsend to me in the past).
Anyway, any thoughts? Thank you in advance!! ☺️