Girlie said...
sierraDon said...
Dr M seems to be the leading bartonella expert, given his connection to Galaxy. i would consider him a bartonella expert. Phillips is a self-claimed bartonella expert, who takes more of introductory conservative approach. neither of these guys use Flagyl.
I wonder if Dr. H recommends Flagyl now given he is pushing his dapsone combination protocol...curious if anyone can comment on that
Yes, he is considered to be an expert in Bart. But, I do know a few patients (and former patients) that said he wouldn't treat them for Babesia...even after years of treating bart. I didn't realize this a few years ago.
I wonder if it's because he treats many patients that perhaps don't also have lyme/babesia have gotten bart from their cat...and he sees good success just treating bart with those patients. Not sure if Dr. P is anymore an expert than Dr. H. and Dr. J.
Is Dr. P using any of the persister meds? (dapsone ...or daraprim)
So, I doubt Dr. M would use Flagyl... He's just using bart antibiotics. Last I heard he just uses biaxin and Rifampin/Rifabutin. (This was from a long-time patient - +3 years)
Do you know if he does offer Mepron or Malarone...etc for Babesia for some of his patients now?
...The Flagyl may not necessarily be for Bart...anyway...rather - lyme cyst formIn my experience with Dr M (16 months) he is a fantasticslly knowledgeable doc but he very strictly only treats based on labs. This includes his own findings from his own blood stains but regardless, still a tangible test.
When i went there i only had a positive bartonella test. He highly suspected babesia because of my neuropsych symptoms and did extensive protzoa & lyme testing- both of which came back negative. We did a year of bartonella treatment (Clarithromycin & Rifampin then Rifabutin) and after no recovery- he started doing blood stains again and sure enough- he found an "unknown intracellular protozoan parasite"
He told me he treats with Mepron as well as a few other RX antifungals that i don't remember. Dewormers i think. Regardless, he does use some well known babesia med.s but he only treats once he has some form of clinical diagnosis.
I didn't proceed with babesia treatment with him because i was already at Dr J's at that time and wanted to vest myself fully in their protocol