joblo5767 said...
Thank you for replies.
Birthdaysuit: Here is my symptom list:
6 years ago:
(Striae) marks on back for several weeks, right before I got
Instant onset Depersonalization,
seizure-like activity in brain (EEG data)
Anxiety, OCD symptoms
5 years ago:
body tremor / weakness,
brain fog
poor short term memory
4 years ago:
Tinnitus. Have got 2 more types since onset. Got worse 2 years ago, and again 6 months ago
Also have highly sensitive right ear
For last few years:
Every few months, my gums inflame in same spot for no apparent reason. Lasts about a week
Chronic post-nasal drip, sticky spit in throat
Suddenly developed habit of night time urination, sometimes twice
Very hot when I wake up, hard to fall back to sleep, not sweating
Within last two years:
Worsening of mental symptoms
Heart palpitations (seemingly constant stronger beat)
Infrequent slight brown tinted urine (Not UTI)
Infrequent cold sensation in bladder (Not UTI)
infrequent cloudy urine (Not UTI)
Sometimes mild urinary incontinence post urination
Sore sole of left foot (1 month, lasted for several days, then infrequently)
Frequent unexplained slight chesty cough with phlegm
Visual snow in certain lights
Recently had brief episode of finger moving on it’s own
Current mental health issues: Depersonalization, anxiety, depression, OCD, racing thoughts, constant earworms, rage, brain fog, long- and short-term memory impairment
The Straie marks sound like Bartonella of some sort. Did they have a purple hue to them and were they horizintal or vertical or mixed?
The onset of neurosymptoms sound like neurobartonelliosis. The symptoms from 5 years ago all sound like bartonella and/or Borreliosis.
The symptoms from 4 years ago also sound like Bartonelliosis and/or borreliosis or a mix of multipel systemic infections. Were you ever bit by a tick, was it engorged?
Sore sole of left foo, was there any bone pain or shin pain?
Bartonella is known as shin bone fever, as it causes painful shins and feet.
I'd go see a good LLMD and tell them you think it is bartonella. Try to get a good test , though the bartonella test tests for antibody counts and those with neuro symptoms usually will test negative. So, they may treat you no matter what.
I had bartonelliosis and the bone, shin and foot pain was so bad. I also had rage and terrible neuro symptoms. Zithromax and -myacin antibiotics work good against Bart, same with rifampin and tetracycline.