G-Ju said...
Hi Lapis_29,
I was diagnosed with Lyme and Bart April 2018, and I've been being treated since then. Recently, tests are coming back negative for Bart and weak lyme. If I didn't still have symptoms, it might be at a good time to wean off of my treatment plan and see what happens. However, I still have a lot of nagging symptoms that could be mold symptoms, with internal vibrations and air hunger being my two big ticket items.
Last month, I mentioned mold to my NPLLMD and, I told her that we don't have any mold issues in our home, and we moved on. This month, she brought it up again, and as we chatted, I mentioned that my husband and I used to rehab houses (8-10 years ago), and many had mold issues. She was like, "WHAT?" Apparently, past exposure can come back to haunt you, especially if you have Lyme. So, I'm in the process of being tested.
Doc did the nose swab kit (I don't know what it's called), yesterday. I'm waiting for the stuff I have to take to do the mycotoxin test (urine). The swab kit only takes less than a week to get the results back, but the mycotoxin test can take 4-6 weeks. So....I wait.
I thought I'd share the "Past Exposure" information because not everyone has current mold issues. It will be interesting to see what happens with my testing.
Great that you posted this. That is absolutely correct. Past exposure matters when it comes to CIRS from mold.