Girlie said...
Majority of people who treat appropriately soon after tick bite are fine.
Wow Girlie, you know that for a fact, fine? Starting to sound like the New York Times article, the truth is, no one knows the true statistics, how many are coming down with chronic lyme and getting cured, how many are easily treating lyme in the acute stage. just looking at the richest celebrities that have come down with lyme, most of them saying it's completely ruined their career or they "almost died" like Alec Baldwin. Just a hunch, but I think the Government is lieing about
how bad the whole lyme epidemic really is. Even the John Hopkins study, supposedly 1 in 5 only come down with Chronic Lyme due to persister cells... Um yeah, not buying it!
If the true statistics were actually 1 in 5, that would mean that the majority of celebrities who contracted lyme would of said it's no big deal, but instead people like Shania Twain, Alec Balwdiwn, Amy Tan, Avril Lavigne, Yolanda Hadid, Ally Hilfiger have told their stories as if they were close to death, ruined their carrers/lives, many of them.
And sadly, I think there's many that claim to be in remission from lyme, but the truth is they're just on a antibiotic or herbal maintenance protocol. Many are sugar coating it just to make themselves feel better, some are just flat out lieing, I know most don't want to hear this, but just like Dr. H said, 90% are relapsing with chronic lyme. I think you need to know the truth Astronomer, so you realize how tough and long treatment can be. I know support is important, but some go out of their way to promote cures that dont work and remission tales when really they're actually still sick.
And just so you know, is sort of a newer forum when it comes to lyme. If you're looking to see how long some patients have dealt with chronic lyme, head over to There's veteran lyme patients who have been dealing with this disease for 10 years, 15 years... Even longer... Search button is very valuable over there.
I would say a lot of people do get better, get to that point where they're able to live a somewhat normal life, working part time, some even full time and being on a maintenance protocol. There's some that even do fully reach remission, but just like Dr. B said, chance of remission is slim if you don't use something like IV antibiotics or a very aggressive oral antibiotic protocol. Great article and video about
Dr. B here've been dealing with this disease going on 10 years now, about
8 year of treatment. was the most popular forum at the time when I first got diagnosed 8 years ago. I think in the past decade ago, as the search algorithm changes and new forums become popular, has sort of become the most active forum now.
And I hate to say this too, but truth is the top lyme literate doctors that are able to truly put this disease in remission are a lot more scarce then what one's lead to believe. and are great forums, but after talking with a veteran forum member like TF that shares the exact same beliefs of me, there's many that aren't telling the real hardcore facts about
the disease, because really, it's kind of scary. Some may end up dieing or living with lyme for life. said...
The message is that every Tom, Dick, and Harry will say that they treat lyme disease. That is not what you want.
If you can find one of the few doctors who have cured people, then you are in with someone who has the expertise necessary to cure you. You are just starting out, so you should not be a difficult case.
So, I hope you understand that you must choose your doctor wisely. At least half of all lyme patients go out of state for their care and many fly. So, you often MUST travel to get to a doc who has cured people.
There are just a handful of them here on the east coast.
Some states have no lyme doctors at all, and many states have no lyme doctors who follow Burrascano. Only a few brave doctors follow him anymore due to the persecution that comes their way.
Lyme is VERY difficult to cure for an average lyme doctor. You have to get to someone good. People have told me that in their lyme support group they know no one who has been cured.
Meanwhile, I have 5 personal friends who have been cured. They all went to the docs I recommended to them--ones who followed Burrascano and had a record of getting people well.
It takes about 10 years of treating lyme for a really smart doctor to be able to get people well (easy to difficult cases). At first, he may be able to get simple cases well--like people ill for less than a year.
TF even told me he was told to stop telling lyme patients on to go with the top lyme literate doctors and dont bother with the lower level LLMDs. Bottom line is, sometimes the truth hurts, and while keeping a positive set is important, sometimes fairy tales and lies about
lyme cures can do more damage than good when lyme patients end up going bankrupt. History is there for a reason, learn from it, don't make the mistakes others still do to this day. I mean really for the most part it's not their fault, some end up going bankrupt within a short period of time because most Americans live pay check to pay check anyways, so they end up doing just herbs because it's the only thing they can afford or the only thing they have access too.
But hey, with new treatments and breakthrough happening like Dapsone, Disulfiram, Stevia etc... There is hope that treatment will be broken down to only a few years time and remission will be a lot easier to reach. But like Girlie will say, Dapsone is kind of old, it's been used by a top LLMD like Dr. J for quite some time now, going on 5+ years so, yet so many lower level LLMDs aren't using it. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen with Disulfiram, hopefully more LLMDs will be willing to use this drug due to less side effects it has.
There's a lot of factors that are prolonging the treatment of this disease, like Dr. B said, Doctors not using the adequate enough oral Doxy in early stages, not using IV antibiotics. He claims a lot of these coinfections would of probably been knocked out in the early stage if Doctors were treating the disease aggressively enough. Again, hope you watch his video, you can learn a lot just what this top Lyme Doctor has to say about
this disease, rather than searching for answers from lyme patients that may have only been dealing with this disease for 5 years or so. The truth is a lot of information gets twisted on the lyme forums... Listen to what a top Lyme Doctor has to say, a man who has been studying this disease for decades. really, chronic lyme isn't the same disease it was 5, 10, 15 to 20 years ago. The bacteria is evolving, becoming harder to kill and ticks are contracting more pathogens, so when you get bit, you not only have borrelia, but many other coinfections like viruses, parasites like babesia, and other bacteria like bartonella. The disease has just become a lot more harder to treat now, than it was years ago.
Post Edited (Charlie55) : 7/16/2019 3:52:47 AM (GMT-6)