I could not tolerate Houttuynia or alchornea at all without taking all the support herbs Buhner recommends. The inflammation was unbearable. Die-off itself can cause a histamine reaction. For me, that in turn causes lots of inflammation. I had swollen eyes, ankles, pounding head pain, low grade fever, malaise, etc. I had to get my dose of J. knotweed, hawthorne, sida, red root, cordyceps, and skullcap established before starting to kill stuff off. Took vitamin E, milk thistle, selenium, and CoQ as well. It has been a long slow process getting on this stuff, but things are improving.
I realize you are a veteran member, but thought it was worth asking, are you taking anything to control inflammation? I love J. knotweed and it was the first thing I started when I tolerated almost nothing. You are probably on all this stuff.
Post Edited (Gladioli66) : 9/5/2019 3:09:43 PM (GMT-6)