cherylfelice said...
If you knew you had all of the following (and limited finances), in what order would you treat these conditions and why?
Dental Cavitations
Great question. I am guessing the first 3 are tightly connected. Based on the details you provided, I would deal with the cavitations first. If cavitation treatment is successful, it may take care of the MARCONS and TMJ or at least make MARCONS easier to treat.
Parasites are often tied to dental infections, so trying to get rid of parasites before treating cavitations will probably be counterproductive.
Dental and parasite issues can also involve heavy metals, which you didn’t mention. When treating parasites, you will need to deal with removing heavy metals.
- Optimize nutrition.
-Supplement key vitamins and minerals
( VitC, E, B’s, zinc, possibly copper, maybe others. Look into Klinghardt’s protocols for parasites and heavy metals or Dr. Yu.)
- Reduce inflammation
- Support immune system, kidneys, and liver
Do these things when treating any and all of the above.