MA10 said...
I know it's not popular opinion around here, but for me personally antibiotics did not work. I have seen so much more improvement with bioresonance testing and homeopathics. Sadly, after a year on that protocol, I am having to re-analyze. We're just simply not hitting the right target. I am adding herbal killers back, but am opening my mind to going back to some babesia pharmaceuticals. I doubt I will go back to antibiotics because my gut is finally somewhat healed, but if herbs and homeopathics aren't working, I have to be willing to try other things. I'm sorry that you feel you've not made improvement with your protocol. It's good to hear from a doctor that they admit fault, but it's also discouraging too. That your option didn't work out. That's where I am. My doctors have both voiced frustration at my progress in four years and one year. Don't be afraid to find a new doctor and a totally new protocol. Don't be afraid to go completely unconventional. But also don't be afraid of coming back to conventional if it doesn't work.
That's fantastic!
Imo we should be thrilled for anyone who finds success with whatever modality ends up working for them. Abx helps some people, doesn't help others (and we should be
open to hearing everyone's experiences, both the good and the bad as we can potentially learn from both). I'm a believer in going with what works (which we learn by our personal trial error, empirical approaches), and what works can be quite different individual to individual (no universals with these diseases, far as I can tell, too many variables, but yes there are patterns which can help us tease out the better potential therapies for our situations). Can involve an incredible amount of trial and error, what is required are
open and inquisitive minds.
Abx also carry their own issues (I say this as someone who has personally received incredible benefits from them but I also have pretty high risk tolerance given my situation). People always need to go in with eyes wide
open, assess potential benefit/risk of the various modalities, and then if they don't see improvement over time need to reassess the strategy.
In my book, there is nothing wrong with not being down with abx therapy for one's own situation. These are very personal decisions.