jolaleye121 said...
steelogreens said...
Hey all,
Yesterday was the day from hell. Literally just lying in bed like a potato. Likely overdid it because it took so long to hit (yes dumb me). Not taking any today because I have enough in my system.
I feel exhausted. Body feels like I did a full body workout at the gym and every muscle in my body is aching.
There is this pressure that’s being lifted.
This is the first thing I’ve taken where I feel there is light.
That's good to hear, are you suffering from neurolyme? If my appointment with communicable disease doesn't yield anything I am going to give it a go because I'm up a smelly creek without a paddle
When I took the herbs, I took Japanese Knotweed, Salvia Milthorizia, and Uncaria Rhynchophyla. I would have added scutellaria baicelenssis but I couldn't afford to. That's the basic protocol for Neurolyme in Buhners book. 3 teaspoons of Jap Knotweed, 3 spoons half and half salvia and scutellaria and 3 spoons of Uncaria rhynchopyla a day. It helped a bit but I'm too poor to keep it up. So I've fought for the doxy I got today.
My biggest symptom in terms of life altering is brain fog, head pressure, light and sound sensitivity, along with memory issues and insomnia.
Depression that comes with Lyme obviously.
This is a completely different animal disulfarim. It’s as though I’m herxing and going through hell, but yet I see how it can take me back to normalcy. Think of a really hard math teacher but you know in the long run it will be good for you.
Bizarre metaphor I know lol.
If you do take it stick to the dose. Nothing was happening for two weeks and I just upped it with doctors consent but not thinking it was going to be so intense but trust me it is.