JovaLyme said...
Girlie said...
Make a chart for the days of the week and write down am and pm with the dose you’re going to take - then tick it with a red pen when you take it.
That’s what I do - but it’s not infallible with lyme brain - as I’ll see one of the meds not ticked off sometimes and then will be thinking “didn’t I take it? - Did I forget to tick it off?”
Sometimes my husband will confirm I did take it.
Other times if I’m not sure - I don’t take it - as I do not want a double dose.
Some people have an App on their phone that will alert them it’s time to take the meds.
Thanks Girlie,
This is all stuff I keep thinking I am going to do. Make lists, write down my protocol etc etc. And then as soon as I think that thought it's gone again in a split second and I forget completely. I sometimes have to get my wife to read out some of my posts on here and if I write letters just to double check what I've written in case I've put something down wrong or if it sounds bad or offensive in some way.
It's partly the Lyme and also partly because I had multiple personality disorder and if I "switched" I wouldn't have a clue what I'd done. The amount of times I would buy a pair of shoes and then buy another pair not realising that I'd already bought some beggars belief. I was always doing it. Coming home to find clothes I had no memory of buying and never wearing them because they weren't my taste. It's a bit of a nightmare. I'm sort of cured of that now but the Lyme brain thing kind of effects me in the same way. This is a bit of a double whammy!
I will buy some Disulfiram and then come up with a protocol. I think I wrote some things down somewhere already - it's just a matter of finding it! I really need to get my wife more involved in all this, but she is run ragged as it is working all the hours God sends and having to look after our little boy, cook, clean, try and help me. She's cracking under all the pressure too. I feel absolutely useless.
I'm sure you can relate to all this - apart from the multiple personality disorder obviously!
Hi Jova!!!
I was wondering where you would buy the disulfiram from because I was thinking of doing the exact same thing but don’t want to get a prescript
ion!! Please let me know if you have any ideas!